Will you eat rotten, musty, frowzy food from a restaurant? No store or restaurant wants to serve that either.
But, the problem is when the transportation system is bad while exporting perishable goods, there is a high chance that such products as vegetables, meat, seafood and dairy products can lose their quality. Hence, they are not safe for eating.
To maintain the standard and level of perishable goods, you have to ensure they are at the right temperature and the exporting time is ideal during the movement.
And, all these conditions depend on a perfect and a most suitable transportation route as they are one-handedly responsible for maintaining the freshness of perishable goods.
So, let’s find out which is the best way to transfer perishable products.
What Are Perishable Goods?
First, let’s split that word perishable: perish+able.
- perish means something that is going to destroy and die.
- able means capability.
So, in one word, we can say products that have a short lifespan of being alive and fresh for a long time and are subject to waste and decay are Perishable Goods.
Perishable products are so due to the physiological characteristics and bacterial growth like pathogenic microorganisms and non-pathogenic microorganisms in them.
20 Examples of Perishable Goods?
Goods differ from region to region. Maybe, there is a great availability of a particular good in one country but in another, there may not be such availability.
Here we are going to mention a few popular perishable goods all over the world:
- Meat.
- Fish.
- Milk.
- Bread.
- Yoghurt.
- Cooked Grains and leftovers.
- Mushrooms.
- Ice cream.
- Butter.
- Eggs.
- Seafood
- Blueberry.
- Flowers.
- Pharmaceutical products.
- Plump.
- Peach.
- Tomatoes.
- Onion, Gaelic.
- Sauces.
- Citrus fruits.

Why Choose The Most Suitable Routes To Transport Perishable Goods?
We have mentioned above some popular perishable goods. Maybe, many of them are your favourite.
But, to keep them healthy and refreshed, they have to be kept in an excellent condition during the logistic process.
Logistic Process:
Logistics refers to the whole process or system of planning, storing and transporting the goods safely from the A point to the B point.
Cold Chain System:
To maintain the quality of the goods, the cold chain method plays a great role during storage and transport.
It is a process of storing and transferring the goods at a suggested, certain temperature range from the point of production to the point of use.
Some examples of cold chain products are:
- Vaccines.
- Chemicals.
- Lab samples.
- Fruits and vegetables.
- Food and Beverage.
- Meat and seafood.
- Process and ready to eat foods.
- Poultry and dairy.
So, you can easily understand that cold chains play a great role in maintaining the quality of perishable foods whether you use any route like air, road or sea.
Every food has an appetizing appearance that directly indicates freshness and vigour, and the food smells delicious and looks tasty.
If it is not maintained, perishable foods will suffer from
- Textural Degradation.
- Microbial growth.
- Bacteriological effect.
- Brushing.
- Discoloration.
Therefore, it is always recommended to choose a suitable route for transporting perishable goods.
Which Is the Most Suitable Routes To Transport Perishable Goods in 2022?
Listen if you are looking for the most suitable way it depends on the exporting meaning: Are you transporting to a local marketplace or a global Marketplace?
Exporting goods locally requires no air route.
Then, the perfect way of doing this is By ground, by truck or by train.
Yes, there are lots of conditions. Let’s discuss it in detail.
There are mainly three roots to transport perishable goods:
- By Ground.
- By Air.
- By the Ocean.
Transportation of Perishable Goods By Ground:
The ground is the best way to transport perishable goods locally. Mostly, trucks and rail are used for that because, more or less every country, whether developed or not, has a good road network and railway system.
- By truck: Trucks contain some cold systems like freeze, refrigerator isothermal that maintain the quality of the goods.
- By Rail: In trains, dry ice is mostly used and also has some special methods for refrigeration that maintain the quality of perishable goods.
Transportation of Perishable Goods By Air:
While transporting goods internationally, from one continent to another, by air is the best method.
You know perishable goods are temperature and time subjected items. Hence, fast delivery always matters. No vehicle can be as fast as aeroplanes.
There are quite a few great methods like
- Airports have separated and dedicated areas for controlling and maintaining the temperature Of perishable goods.
- They use refrigerated freezers and chambers.
Transportation of Perishable Goods By Ocean:
When it comes to transportation by ocean or sea, refrigerated cargo ships or reefer ships are generally used for exporting goods.
A reefer ship has
- Water-tight ports.
- Hatches.
- Refrigerated containers.
- Stand-alone electrical circuit.
Which Is The Fastest and Cheapest Route of Transport In India?
Transporting perishable goods is not an easy job. You have to take care of the quality of the food along with maintaining the cost of the transportation process.
Every single retailer in India thinks of profit but those who can balance these two subjects will be beneficial.
Due to the speed of trains and the Indian railway system, trains covered any distance in less time compared to other routes.
And, it is obvious that when there is a good railway connection in a particular region, there will be a great road network.
So, in India, carrying the perishable goods to the local store or market is always easy.
Which Route Is Most Suitable for Transporting Perishable Goods in India?
We know that the railway network in India is very fast and there are no issues with traffic jams. It is also cost-effective, that’s why railway methods are always recommended for transporting perishable goods.
One point to mention, India is a crowded country, so Traffic jams are a very common thing. Besides, in the summer, the temperature reaches 44°c.
Therefore, it will be a stupid decision if you choose the by road option.
Factors To Consider When Transporting Perishable Goods?
Whether you are shipping goods by air, by land or sea, you need some machines to control the temperatures. According to the scientist, we have to keep
- the refrigerator temperature at or below 40°F (4°C).
- Freezer temperature 0°F (-18°C).
Vehicles for Transporting Goods at Controlled Temperatures?
Maintaining the temperature these types of transportation machines are used
- Isothermal.
- Refrigerator.
- Freezer.
- Geysers.
- Air Conditioners
Which Route Of Transport Will You Use To Send Perishable Goods over Long Distances?
Road transportation is always more expensive than the railway. If there is any railway and road connection between two different countries, then personal vehicles and trains will be the best option. Between these two vehicles, the train is economical.
However, not every country is connected with roads or trains. Then, there are only two options: by the ocean or by air. But the problem is these two methods are expensive as compared to roads.
So, keeping long distances and perishable food in mind, air transportation will be the most suitable route due to the first service.
But, again there are some problems.
Two disadvantages of transporting perishable goods by air
- It is the most expensive method that can cause list profit for the retailers.
- It is a risky option for transportation.
Disadvantages of transporting perishable goods by sea:
- It takes time to transport the goods.
- Natural disasters like rain, tropical storms, floods can harm the goods.
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So, we have provided a detailed description of the routes for transporting the perishable goods.
Which is the most suitable route totally depends on the exporting spots.
So, comment below: which route are you going to choose for exporting perishable goods?